Fluids & Electrolytes ناشر : ویژه : پرستاران و دانشجویان پرستاری دانشجویان علوم پزشکی فرمت کتاب : Compiled HTML Help file – .chm تعداد صفحه : ۳۸۴ حجم کتاب : ۹٫۲ Mb Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy, Fifth Edition, uses a conversational writing style to break down complex concepts and make the fundamentals of fluids and electrolytes easy to understand and put into practice. This fully updated book is organized into four parts to provide comprehensive coverage of this challenging topic: New features of this edition include current infusion nursing standards of practice and a revised blood product chart. Each chapter includes clear, simple explanations of health problems, definitions of key terms, illustrations that clearly explain key concepts, memory joggers, and bullets and checklists that make it easy to spot important points at a glance. Chapter summaries provide a quick review of all essential information, and special elements found throughout the text make it easy to remember key points: . تهیه ، تنظیم و گرد آوری : صادق دهقانی زاده
Fluids & Electrolytes made Incredibly Easy
made Incredibly Easy! ®, ۵th Edition
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