نویسنده : Frank G. Yanowitz, M.D
تعداد صفحه : ۳۷۷
حجم کتاب : Mb14.7
The tutorial is organized in sections based on a recommended “Method” of ECG interpretation. Each section provides some didactic teaching points, often linked to illustrations, and an interactive quiz. Beginning students should first go through the sections in the order in which they are presented. Others may chose to explore topics of interest in any order they wish. The ECG’s range from thesublime to the ridiculous, from simplicity to complexity, and from boring to fascinating. It is hoped that students will be left with some of the love of electrocardiography shared by Dr. Lindsay.
I. The Standard 12 Lead ECG
II. A “Method of ECG Interpretation
III. Characteristics of the Normal ECG
IV. ECG Measurement Abnormalities
V. ECG Rhythm Abnormalities
VI. ECG Conduction Abnormalities
VII. Atrial Enlargement
VIII. Ventricular Hypertrophy
IX. Myocardial Infarction
X. ST Segment Abnormalities
XI. T Wave Abnormalities
XII. U Wave Abnormalities
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